18 Minute Pomodoro Timer

Work Interval

Next Break: Short Break


Looking for a refreshing twist on your productivity? Opt for an 18-minute Pomodoro session, a perfect balance for focused work and rejuvenating breaks.

Why 18 Minutes?

An 18-minute session offers a compact yet impactful burst of productivity, ideal for tasks that require less time but still demand concentration. It's the sweet spot between a quick sprint and a longer focus period.

Shorter Yet Effective

Compared to the traditional 25-minute Pomodoro cycle, the 18-minute timer allows for increased flexibility in managing tasks while maintaining efficiency. Snappy sessions can prevent burnout and keep you motivated throughout the day.

Improve your workflow with the '18 minute Pomodoro timer' - strike the perfect balance between productivity and rejuvenation.

25 minute Pomodoro timer
10 minute Pomodoro timer
35 minute Pomodoro timer