38 Minute Pomodoro Timer

Work Interval

Next Break: Short Break


Wondering why a 38-minute Pomodoro session might be right for you? Let's explore the benefits this specific duration can offer!

Enhanced Focus and Productivity

A 38-minute Pomodoro timer allows for a slightly longer period of deep work, promoting heightened concentration and productivity.

Optimal Balance of Focus and Rest

With 38 minutes of focused work followed by a 5-minute break, you can maintain a productive workflow while ensuring time for rejuvenation.

Comparing to Traditional 25-Minute Pomodoros

While the traditional 25-minute Pomodoro sessions are effective, a 38-minute timer can provide more uninterrupted work time without overwhelming the mind.

Experience the benefits of an extended Pomodoro session and watch your productivity soar!

Additional Pomodoro Timer Durations: